“The path through trouble is always made a step at a time, a breath at a time, a day at a time.” Jack Kornfield
It is important to allow time and space for the healing of trauma. All too often the push is for symptom reduction without attention to long-term concerns and effects. This is the “management school” of post treatment: how to manage stress, emotions, and grief. It’s like getting an MBA in emotional management. But because emotions are not easily measured and emotional wounds are not as visible as physical wounds, managing symptoms without giving attention to underlying emotions will not take care of distress. This level of recovery can be misunderstood and rushed. Emotional recuperation is truly no different than recovering from a surgery or honoring the time it takes for the mending of a broken bone. Renewal is not necessarily quick and real rejuvenation cannot be hurried. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you allow yourself to heal from the emotional trauma of your experience with cancer.
The following link featuring Peter Levine, PhD, offers you some tools to help you feel safe as you deal with the trauma you have experienced from a cancer diagnosis.