“Survivors who confront the existential crisis of life-threatening illness take time to reflect, and from that place of reflection they make choices that impact them in positive ways, often emerging more creative and grateful in their lives.  These people invariably report that it was the awareness of having the support and care of their provider that was the most valuable part of their treatment. It’s comforting and sustaining merely to know that they mattered to those who were treating them. When the clinican lets the patient matter to him or her and then meets the existential dilemmas of being alive while struggling with illness and healing with a willingness to engage at a personal level, the clincian brings an aliveness into his or her work with survivors. Bringing your love into your work is a way to keep your heart open.”

excerpt from Psychosocial Care of Cancer Survivors: A Clinician’s Guide and Workbook for Providing Wholehearted Care 


Book Launch August 13th, 2018  6pm at Book Passage San Francisco Ferry Building
